Theater Uri

Theater Uri is the largest performance venue in the canton. Every year, up to 40,000 people attend one of the more than 100 events that take place at Theater Uri. The large auditorium seats more than 500 people. Festivals, concerts, graduation ceremonies, plays and musicals as well as various other events are staged at Theater Uri every year. The current program can be found in the repertoire.

History of the house

The building dates back to around 1865 and served as a community center until 1924. In 1925, it was extended to its current size to the Tell playhouse Altdorf and taken over by the Tell play society Altdorf. Primarily, the performance of the play "Wilhelm Tell" by Friedrich Schiller was in the foreground of the activities during the next 75 years. The Tell plays were successfully performed every two to four years. Only sporadically, the house was used for various events until it was taken over by the municipality of Altdorf in 1999 and the operation was expanded to the present-day Theater Uri. Since 1999, the operation is ensured by the operating association Forum Theater Uri.

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Theater Uri

Schützengasse 11
6460 Altdorf

Opening hours

Office opening hours:

‍Tuesday- Friday 09:00 to 11:30 a.m.

See schedule for match times

