Kantonsbibliothek Uri

The Cantonal Library of Uri is the largest library in the canton and is run by a foundation. It is a place for meeting, culture, research and leisure and is open to the whole population. It imparts media competence and supports school and professional education and further education. On behalf of the Cantonal Library Uri Foundation, the library collects and makes accessible local publications of all kinds.

The cantonal library of Uri provides an extensive and varied offer: Fiction, reference books, DVD, CD, movies, games and various events for children, teenagers and adults.

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Photos: Valentin Luthiger


Kantonsbibliothek Uri

Bahnhofstrasse 13
6460 Altdorf

Opening hours

Canton Library serves:
MO to FR:
13:30 to 19:00
10:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 16:00

Open Library unattended:
MO to FR:
08:00 to 13:30
12:00 to 13:00

Special opening hours
before holidays

