The Haus für Kunst Uri is located in the center of Altdorf, the capital of Uri. The three-storey building, erected in 1845 and last used as a printing works by the Gamma company, was opened as an exhibition venue in May 2004 following extensive renovation work. The building offers attractive space for contemporary exhibitions on three floors, in an extension hall and in a spacious courtyard. Accompanying the exhibitions, the house offers public and private guided tours as well as other supporting events. The Kunstverein Uri, which runs the museum, creates a place for encounters and exchange with a varied exhibition program and its own space for art education.
Heinrich Danioth's extensive oeuvre is repeatedly included in the temporary exhibitions. On behalf of the Dätwyler Foundation, his multifaceted oeuvre is also presented in an exciting accompanying program and with special events. Thanks to the patronage and generosity of Dr. Max Dätwyler, the Danioth Pavilion was inaugurated in2009 .
Photo: FX Brun
Herrengasse 4
6460 Altdorf
During the exhibitions
New from 2025:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday open from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Special opening hours by arrangement
Adults: 8 francs
Concessions (AHV, IV, Kulturlegi, etc.): 5 francs
Members of art associations Uri, Zug, Glarus, St.Gallen: free
Children & young people up to 18 years: free
Trainees: free
Artists visarte card &Aiap card: free