Historisches Museum Uri

The neo-Gothic Historical Museum of Uri (basic building 1906, extension and reconstruction 2000) is the most comprehensive collection of the cantonal art and cultural heritage. Karl Iten designed an attractive permanent exhibition, which is complemented by annual special exhibitions on the culture and art of Uri. The focal points of the permanent exhibition are ecclesiastical art (among others an important collection of wooden sculptures), portraits, the replica of the Celtic gold treasure from Erstfeld, the Alemanni grave from Altdorf, models of castles in Uri, flags, weapons, traditional costumes, folk customs and folk piety as well as traffic.

The historical association conceives two special exhibitions every year. In winter, the focus is always on the extensive collection of historical nativity scenes and Christmas decorations. Special programs and guided tours have been developed for schools and families.

Historical society carries museum

The responsible body of the Historical Museum is the Historical Association Uri. Its main tasks are the facilities and the maintenance of the Historical Museum, the presentation of the permanent and special exhibitions, the completion and care of the collection, the inventory and the research of the objects as well as the mediation through events, association events, guided tours and the publication of the New Year's Book.

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Photo museum outside: Noah Aschwanden Photo exhibition: Fany Brühlmann


Historisches Museum Uri

Gotthardstrasse 18
6460 Altdorf

Opening hours

Visiting hours outside normal opening hours and group tours on request


Adults: CHF 7.-
Youths (up to 16 years): CHF 2.-
Children (up to 6 years):
free admission
Families: CHF 10.-

Groups (from 10 persons):
CHF 5.00 each

Information and registration for school classes is possible here
